Here you can read Skjald's diary on the Sea Stallion's voyage against Dublin.

Spangereid is talking about us

Mission complete! - If the purpose of putting in in Spangereid with a 30 metres long Viking ship and 65…

Now it’s time for off again

This evening it is precisely a week since we moored up alongside the quay at Båly harbour in Spangereid. A strong…

Kim and the droppings

What does a seaman do to get a favourable wind? Some say that he should tickle the mast and then leave all the rest…

The mystery of the ‘Silver schooner’

The mystery of the ‘Silver schooner’

Service at sea has always been closely associated with story telling:…

The south of Utsira – A Childhood Memory

When I was sitting in the mess of the accompanying ship ‘Cable One’ yesterday evening, listening to the talk about…

The Sea Stallion is waiting for wind

After almost a week with rain all day and night, we awoke this morning to dry weather and glimpses of the sun. On…

The fine art of sailing

It is Friday morning. Eight o-clock. The rain is pouring down in Spangereid in Norway and it has been doing so for…

Blisters and Danish Pastries

We leave hospitable Bragdøya at 9. 30 in the morning. Håkon, who saved the day for me yesterday with coffee and an…

A Morning in Heaven

At 7 am this morning (tuesday) I woke up on a wharf on Bragdøya Coastal Heritage Centre near Kristianssand. Above…

The hard Goodbye

To all you readers of my diary: Foregive me for waiting until now to report back to you. The weather is to blame,…