Armchair comments
The Vikings used tents on their longships
The Sea Stallion's rain-soaked passage from Roskilde to South Norway leaves us with the question, whether tents…
"Can a Viking ship have two keels?"
Fifty years ago, on 1st July 1957, Olaf Olsen, who was then the youngest curator in the Medieval Department of the…
A greeting from Søren Thirslund
As a mariner who has always been interested in history it was with excitement that I learned that many wrecks had…
Place-names en route from Roskilde to Skagerrak
As a philologist with a special interest in the names that were coined by the Vikings in the British Isles, I…
About armchair comments
The Viking Ship Museum has asked a number of experts to comment on the Sea Stallion’s voyage to Dublin, based upon their personal knowledge and experience. The writers cover professional fields such as history, archaeology, linguistics, seafaring as well as boat and yacht racing.