Wooden Boats from the Fjord-Festival 18 - 20 of August 2017
Wooden Boats from the Fjord is an annual event, held on the 3rd weekend in August. It is held in rotation between Egnsmuseet Færgegården, Odsherred Kulturhistoriske Museum, Roskilde Museum (Fjordmuseet Jyllinge), Holbæk Museum and the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. 40 - 50 wooden ships and dinghies take place in the event, with around 150 – 200 sailors.
This is the 19th time that Wooden Boats from the Fjord will be held. The regatta has become a significant event in the maritime milieu around Roskilde Fjord and Isefjord, with participation from wooden boats that have been built and used on these two fjords. These include the traditional, round-sterned ships, which are an entirely unique boat type, developed for the special conditions that exist within these specific fjord areas. Each ship is a small piece of Danish cultural history. With a dedicated effort from private owners, associations and museums, the wooden boats from the fjord are restored and maintained, for the enjoyment of the sailors themselves and also those who observe them from land. Each of the many enthusiasts contributes to preserving, communicating and keeping the maritime cultural history around the fjords alive.