Exhibition opening in Berlin, 9th September 2014


Press conferences, interviews, visit by the Queen to Sea Stallion and opening of the exhibitions, 'Die Wikinger' and 'Ships of the Vikings'. Most definitely a good - and busy - day in Berlin. 

After four days with 'Sea Stallion' in Berlin, the day finally came where the large, international Viking exhibition, 'Die Wikinger' was opened by Queen Margrethe of Denmark and the German President, Joachim Gauck. The Viking Ship Museum's special exhibition, 'Ships of the Vikings' also opened at Martin Gropius Bau. In the exhibition, the public can explore the lifeblood of the Viking Ship Museum, namely, building and sailing Viking ships. Throughout the entire exhibition period, boatbuilders from the Viking Ship Museum will work on the construction of a smaller Viking Age boat.

The day began with a press conference at Martin Gropius Bau. Here, there was great interest in our boatbuilders workshop and Viking Ship Museum director, Tinna Damgård Sørensen was interviewed by various news programs and ZDF. ARD and several other German radio stations also conducted interviews with the boatbuilders.

After the press conference, the Queen and President visited 'Sea Stallion'. Both displayed a great interest in the Viking Ship Museum's work and directed many questions to the Viking Ship Museum's director, Tinna Damgård Sørensen and to Sea Stallion's skipper, Carsten Hvid.

The day was rounded off at 'Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin', where the official speeches were held and the invited guests for the chance to see the exhibition.

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