
11:30: Family guided tour in the winter holidays

Archieved: 26/02-2024

Join us on a trading expedition every day during the winter holidays February 10-25. On the family tour, you will hear about Viking Age traders and the long trading voyages to distant lands.

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Viking Age traders - guided tour for the whole family

Viking ships provided new opportunities for the people who lived in the Nordic region more than 1000 years ago. In these seaworthy ships, traders set out on long sea voyages. To Greenland in the north, to Byzantium and the great cities of the Mediterranean in the south. From here they brought back exotic goods never before seen in Scandinavia.

In the Viking Age, the first cities emerged in Denmark. Here you could trade the precious goods that had been sailed home from distant lands. 

Join us on the family tour, where you will go on a raid with the great man 'Ottar' on his journey from northern Norway to the trading town of Hedeby in southern Denmark. What might he have brought in his large trading ship?

All participants in the tour are included in the narrative and become part of the story of the Vikings' voyages to foreign shores, as told by the museum's dedicated guides.

There is a family tour at 11:30 every day during the winter holidays February 10-25.

During the winter break, there are also other exciting experiences and activities for the whole family.

» Click here to see all the activities ...

Program for winter Holliday at Viking Ship Museum:

Winter Holiday Activities
10th – 25th February 2024

Activities are aimed at families with children between the ages of 6-14 and take place indoors at the Viking Ship Hall.

Open daily: 10.00 - 16.00

11.00 - 11.45: Tour in English
11.30 - 12.00: Family tour in Danish
11.00 - 11.30: Workshop at the Maritime Archaeologists' DocuLab
12.30 - 13.00: Workshop at the Maritime Archaeologists' DocuLab
14.30 - 15.30: Children Workshop at the Skuldelev 5 ship

Family ticket for 2 adults and all children under 18: 230 DKK
Adult: 125 DKK
Season pass:180 DKK
Children 0 – 17 years: always free entry

The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde:
Vindeboder 12, 4000 Roskilde, tlf.: + 45 46 300 200     

» Read more about the winter holliday at the Viking Ship Museum here...