Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Extracts from the Log Book, Friday, July 13th

Published 13th Jul 2007

Wind at Lindesnes: W strong breeze (11 m/s).

It's the plan to beat up against the wind towards Lista to be able to catch the south-easterly wind, which has been forecasted west of Lista.

08:57 a.m. Departure from Båly harbour, Wind W light breeze (3 m/s), sunshine. Our best thanks for the hospitality to Jarle and Anne Tone!

10:00 a.m. Lighthouse of Lindesnes abeam. Wind W fresh breeze (8 m/s) - perfect wind to beat up against!

11:00 a.m. The wind is increasing (10 m/s). We tie the bottom reef.

14:00 p.m. The third shroud pin aport breaks and is replaced.

18:00 p.m. The watch. Vegetable soup and salted meat. It's getting cloudy. A new weather forecast predicts that the SE-wind first will arrive 3 or 4 a.m. The report predicts a south-easterly strong breeze (13 m/s) which is turning south in the morning, later a south-westerly strong breeze (13 m/s) and lots of rain the rest of the morning. We decide to put in at the harbour of Lista and sail on tomorrow 7 a.m.

19:30 p.m. We take in sail and land for oars.

19:53 p.m. We are in harbour, setting up the tents and moving around with some of the ballast since the ship has a tendency to run away from the wind (waether helm) on beat.

The plan for tomorrow: Departure 7 a.m. towards the area of Stavanger where we will await favourable wind to be able to cross the North Sea.

Created by Carsten Hvid