The bilge pump in action from Odden to Anholt

Helge Ask's crew explores the Anholt island

Tuesday 23 July, the fourth day of Helge Ask's summer cruise

Although the trip from Odden Harbour to Anholt went well, it must be recognised that Helge Ask is getting old and worn. There are several cracked boards and many small leaks. We had to use the bilge pump every hour - we pumped maybe 300 litres per hour. It's not yet worse than we can safely continue, but it's obviously annoying.

Even though the boat builders will fix the worst leaks when we get home so we can sail for a few more years, everything has an end. Documenting wear and damage is also part of the museum's experimental archaeological work.

I was present at the launch of Helge Ask in 1991 and look forward to the completion of the new Skuldelev 5 replica that the museum is currently building.

We have arrived safely at Anholt and will spend the day tomorrow exploring the island.

- Troels E. Nielsen


Created by Carla Kjeldgaard Clausen