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Helge Ask sails around Zealand

On this year's summer voyage for Helge Ask, the plan is to sail around Zealand, with a special focus on the Småland waters. Their goal is to sail around as much as possible and visit many of the small islands they encounter along the way. 

The crew will embark on the annual summer voyage to explore the seaworthiness of the ship and test the waters of Denmark.

Helge Ask will be 33 years old this year and will sail with a new sail. The sail is hand-sewn by Sejlmager Hansens Efterkommere and will be handed over to the new Skuldelev 5 reconstruction, which the Viking Ship Museum's boat builders are currently building at the museum's boatyard.

If you're lucky, you might come across the little warship around Møn, Femø or Agersø when the expedition reaches the waters of Småland.

» It is possible to follow Helge Ask... 

Helge Ask - a reconstruction of the small warship, Skuldelev 5

The keel of Helge Ask was laid in 1990. Unlike the other ships, Skuldelev 5 is built from both new and recycled wood. A few years before it ended up in Roskilde Fjord, the ship was repaired with new and recycled wood. So the question arose: should the original or the repaired ship be built?

The original ship was chosen, and inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry, the small longship was decorated with yellow and brown-red colours, and for longer voyages and special occasions, such as the one in Norway, Helge is also decorated with a red dragon head.

» You can read more about Helge Ask and our other reconstructions here...