Here you can read about research and experience from the Sea Stallion's voyage home to Roskilde.
Research and experience
The last miles at sea
We are sailing the last nautical miles with the Sea Stallion – for the time being.
But the project does not end…
Heavy sea and flexibility
“It’s like sailing a rubber dinghy that hasn’t been pumped full of air”, was how someone once put it, after sailing…
The Sea Stallion leaves tidal waters
The tides follow the Moon’s rotation around the earth. The gravitational pull of the Moon (and of the Sun) and the…
Change of watch on the Sea Stallion
When the crew is told that the Sea Stallion is to sail the next morning, everyone tries to get to bed suitably…
“Making sail”
Today we inspected both blocks in the halyard tackle to see if the wheels and axles are worn.
The halyard is the…
The Sea Stallion’s electronics
For safety, documentation and communication reasons, we have modern navigation and communication instruments on…
A longship crew
How well the ship sails is not the only question; we are also interested in how the crew handles the Sea Stallion…
Ongoing repairs and maintenance on the Sea Stallion
Ongoing repairs and maintenance on the Sea Stallion
The Sea Stallion in rough weather
The Irish Sea. Sea Stallion is sailing with a ‘half wind’ (beam reach) on starboard tack (the wind is coming across…
Why don’t we do everything as in Viking times?
Why don’t we navigate as they did in Viking times? Why don’t we wear the clothes the Vikings did? Why don’t we eat…
About research and experience
'Reseach and experiences' contains excerpts from four of the ship diaries; the boatbuilder diary, the trim and ballast diary, the section diary, and the sailing manual.