Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Extracts from the Log Book, Saturday, July 21th, 2007

Published 21th Jul 2007

02.10, log 428, NE 4-5 m./sec., clear sky. A small school of dolphins have been following us for five minutes. It is cold as winter, people freeze and are having trouble sleeping...

04.00, log 433, NE 4-5 m/sec., clear sky. Changing of the watch. I seems like the log showing our speed through the water is showing too much speed. We'll have to check it. The sun is already rising. Hope it will bring som warmth for us. 

15.00, log 478, ENE 7 m/sec., cloudy. We come pretty close to Cape Wrath when rounding it in spite of countercurrent and difficult swells. This is one of the climaxes of the expedition! Minke whale and puffins port side, tune starboard.

20.00, log 506, NE 8 m/sec., cloudy. We beat up against the wind for Loch Inver. The ship still leers too much leeward when the sail is on the port side tack.

21.18, log 511, NE 5 m/sec., cloudy. We take down sail and row for the harbour.

21.46, log 512, NE 5 m/sec., cloudy. We put in in Loch Inver. Exuberant welcome by the locals who already had provided accomodations in the local Village Hall. Tomorrow, Sunday, we will take a day off and continue Monday morning for Isle of Skye. There we plan on doing the replacement of the crew (about 20 people will disembark and 20 new people will come on board). Now we really have to use the almanac and the maps of the currents, as we soon will se places with 4-7 knots of tidal currents!

Created by Carsten Hvid