Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Extracts from the Log Book, Thursday, July 26th, 2007.

Published 28th Jul 2007

12.50. We row to Kyle Lochalsh on the other side of the sound to shop before the currents turn. Then we can head for Inverie in Loch Nevis. The crew off duty until high tide at 16.00.

16.14, log 576, W 5, a bit cloudy. We row out and set sail outside of the harbor and sail down towards Kyle Rhea (between Isle of Skye and the mainland), which is very narrow and full of currents.

17.30, log 581, SW 5, cloudy. Originally we had planned to row through Kyle Rhea, but the wind is favourable and we choose to tack through the sound with 3-4 knots of current with us.

18.24, log 583, SW 4, cloudy. We are through Kyle Rhea, but here the current is very difficult and the swell very rough - so steering is difficult. We tighten the shrouds and break a shroud pin.

19.50, log 586, SW 4, cloudy. The current no longer helps us much, so we take down sail and row against the wind... Everybody takes turns rowing. We row at every third oar. Rowing for half an hour - break for an hour.

22.30, log 592, SW 2, cloudy. We send 5 people to the shore with the escort ship "Island Fox" to set up tents in Inverie before it is too dark.

00.55, W 6, rain. We set sail, but have trouble with the ropes, so we have to take it down again. Due to the dark and heavy rain we have trouble seeing anything. We are close to lee coast and drift towards land, we hear the surf clearly. Call up "Island Fox" for stand by, they are quick to come near us... Sail is set, but the wind is gone, so we have to row to get clear of the shore. A little later the wind is freshening from SW and we can sail to Loch Nevis, then to Inverie.

02.24, log 602, bit cloudy. Moored in Inverie. The locals have expected us with excitement and meet us at the quay, where they help us transport the luggage for the tents.

Created by Carsten Hvid