Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Extracts from the Log Book, Tuesday 17th, and Wednesday 18th, July 2007.

Published 18th Jul 2007

05.34, log 278, wind NE-3, foggy. We cross meridian-0! Dolphins around the ship create joy on board!

11.30, log 328, wind NE 3-4, foggy. We are now out of the area with possible gale and we set the sail again.

20.45, log 356, wind: N 8-10, cloudy, rain. We tack for Orkney, good sailing, everyone is happy!

22.30, log 368, wind: N 8-10, cloudy rain. Our new escort ship, "Island Fox," comes to meet us and a little while later Orkney is in sight!

02.30 (Wed. 18th, local time), log 387, wind: N-10, rain. We are in harbour in Kirkwall, we're we are greeted by the president of the yacht club. We get accomodations on the attic of the yacht club.

Created by Carsten Hvid