Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Sunday July 8th 2007

Published 09th Jul 2007

Because of the heavy rain the last couples of days huge amounts of water have been pouring down on the ship. The water level in the galley was very high the previous night, so today we decided to check up on the provisions.

Partly to check up on the amount and partly to check if our provisions had been soaked by dirty water from the bottom of the ship - with the risk of contamination of the provisions in mind.

Fortunately it was properly wrapped up in strong plastic bags from the beginning, which of course was a practicability that the Vikings didn't have. Nothing was destroyed, but the packing had to be rinsed from dirty water from the bottom of the ship. All the provisions were all right.

The galley was cleaned with hot water, soap and hard work.

For the present none of the crew are suffering from any deficiency diseases. On the contrary! We are in absolute no need of anything and we are served a good, nutritious and balanced diet each day. Lack of mead is dued to the high Norwegian taxes.

The crew are starting to be a bit restless because of the bad weather and the wrong wind direction. Most are looking forward to set sail again and the restlessness can be felt most of the time.  

Created by Susanne Malmstrøm