Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

The Medical Journal, July 3rd - 4th

Published 08th Jul 2007

Today all crew members are warm and the spirits are high again. We have talked seriously about what happened the other day when sailing from Roskilde to Bragdøya. Now we know more about the conditions of hypothermia. We will be more attentive to each other, from now on.

The hygienic condition on board the ship is okay. As good as possible. One crew member is suffering from a troubled stomach, and is staying in bed on land while the rest of us sail out to meet the royalties. Tea, light eating and a 'Ciproxin' will make him better again.

Several of the crew members are suffering from colds, due to the cold nights. Several are coughing and have soar throats. A couple of 'panodil' does the work.

Ear plugs have been handed out, so that the crew members can get a good nights sleep.



Created by Susanne Malmstrøm