Extract from the logbook, 4 August 2008

Published: 05/08-2008

11.03, log 1053, wind west north-west, 12 metres/sec.
We cast off in Glyngøre, and row out of the harbour in heavy rain.

11.10, log 1053, wind west north-west, 13 metres/sec.
Sail up. Set course for Knudshoved Flak off Fur. We go as close to the wind as possible, but it is difficult to get close enough. Heavy rain.

11.44, log 1056, wind north-west, 13 metres/sec.
We take in a reef because of the wind.

13.00, log 1062, wind north-west, 15 metres/sec.
We cannot keep close enough to wind and tack across Løgstør Broads.

14.00, log 1069, wind, 17 metres/sec.
The wind increases and we take in another reef. Winds of 17–18 metres/sec. The weather forecast warns of gales in the Kattegat from north north-west at 23 metres/sec. We decide to head for Hals and stay there tonight.

15.30, log 1076, wind, 12 metres/sec.
We prepare to attach a tow-rope to the support vessel Jupiter. The passage to Aggersund Bridge is very narrow and north north-easterly. With the north-westerly wind, we cannot sail close to the wind in the channel. The wind is too strong for us to row. We are sorry about it, because there are lost of people on the bridge to see us, and it’s a disappointment for them and for us.

17.01, log 1080, wind, 12 metres/sec.
The sail is up again after Aggersund Bridge. A tow of 4 nautical miles. There will be more north-going channels on the way through the fjord to Hals. We will do everything we can to sail.  It has rained heavily all the way, and with the wind we are wet through. But our spirits are high. It’s wonderful to be in the Limfjord.

19.00, log 1097, wind west north-west, 13 metres/sec
We sail close to the wind in the north-easterly channel to Gjøl. We now have just one reef in the sail. People are waving from the quayside. We have a speed of 8 knots. We go as close to the wind as possible so we can turn down along the harbour where people are standing so they get at good view.

20.00, log 1104, wind west north-west, 13 metres/sec.
We managed to keep close to the wind through the passage at Bredhage. We are happy because now we got through the north-going channels in the Limfjord under sail in strong wind and gale. It’s raining heavily, but who cares!

20.04, log 1105, wind west north-west, 14 metres/sec.
We are on the way to the railway bridge in Ålborg. It will open for us at 20.10. We have high speed and an ETA at the bridge of 20.07. We haul the sail up to the yard with the ropes, and reduce speed. The bridge opens. We let the sail fold itself out and go under the bridge at 20.09 and 26 seconds. That’s not how they sailed in Viking times...

21.45, log 1118, wind north-west, 14 metres/sec.
We are sailing at more than 9 knots. We take two reefs in the sail before we have to turn in for Hals, so we have a lower speed and more control in front of the harbour.

22.50, log 1122, wind north-west, 12 metres/sec.
We moor in Hals harbour. On the quayside a lot of people have gathered in the pouring rain and the dark to welcome us. They were sorry we didn’t make it in daylight, but we were glad they were there. Incredible.

People have been waving to us or blinking their car lights all the way through the Limfjord. It was a good trip through the Limfjord – with heavy rain.

69 nautical miles in 12 hours. Average speed: 5.7 knots.

Created by Vibeke Bischoff