Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Dublin.

Extracts from the Log Book, Sunday, July 8th

Published 09th Jul 2007

Wind: W strong breeze (10-14 m/s) - cloudy and some rain. 

The forecasted eastern wind that was promissed thursday has now been "cancelled" and the new forecast unfortunately says wind from west and north-west for another week.

What then, are our options for crossing the North Sea?

== To tack across the North Sea against the wind ==
With the present weather forecast, I assess this alternative as reckless and unrealistic, as it would be too risky, too far, too time consuming and too hard.

== To be towed across ==
As we have a time limit (Dublin, august 14th at 01.00 p.m.), this is a option we have to consider within the near future. But the distance that we are beeing towed will severely influence the testing and can not be used as the rest of the trial voyage. Also it might score the pride and motivation of the crew.

== To wait for more permanent wind from the east ==
This is probably the best alternative by now, and also it is most likely the option the vikings would have chosen.

From the sagas and other written sources, telling us about the vikings, we know that it was normal for the ships to be waiting for the right wind for weeks and weeks - sometimes they would wait the whole winter...

If the wind is eventually right for it, there is also the option of moving further up the coast of Norway.



-We are of course waiting for the right wind, to set sail and do it on our own!

-Tomorrow, monday: sailing in the fiord (just for one day)

-Tuesday: rescue drill with Cable One

Created by Carsten Hvid